Choosing the correct wine glass
There are many different types of wine glasses on the market, in various shapes and sizes, carefully designed to bring out the characteristics of the specific grape or wine.
Having the correct glass will contribute to enhance the taste experience, and on a general basis, we can say the following regarding wine glasses:
- Red wine should be served in larger glasses, as this increases the interaction between air and the wine's surface, helping with the development of aromas and flavors.
- White wine and rosé require medium sized glasses, which ensures that the character of fresh fruit is collected towards the top of the glass, while also allowing some interaction with the air. More concentrated or aged white wine may also be enjoyed in slightly larger glasses. For example, you can use a generous wine glass for barrel-aged Chardonnay.
- Sparkling wines are often served in oblong glasses, which enhance the effect of the bubbles, and thus the wine's aroma, by being able to move for a longer period of time, and cover a larger volume of the wine, before they reach the top of the glass.
- Dessert wines are typically served in smaller glasses, due to higher alcohol levels, but the glasses should still be large enough to allow for swinging the glass to add some air to the wine.

Differences between red wine glasses and white wine glasses
The bowl of a white wine glass is often more vertical, closer to a U-shape, and with a narrower mouth section, than what we can see in a red wine glass. The white wine is often served somewhat cooler, and this shape of the glass allows the wine to stay cooler for a longer period of time, while also letting the aromas out. However, the smaller surface also means that it gets less air, and therefore keeps more of the delicate and lighter tones. For more powerful, oak-aged white wines, a larger bowl is often used, which is more similar to a red wine glass. These glasses will also be slightly higher, so that the wine hits further back on the tongue, to more easily taste the heavier tones. This also applies the other way around; for younger, lighter wines, slightly lower glasses with a wider rim are used, enabling the wine to hit the tip and sides of the tongue, to capture more of the delicate flavors.
Clean glasses
Additionally, clean glasses are important, so that you avoid tampering with the wine's taste and aroma. For example, this could happen with soap residues from the dishwasher. Feel free to check the glasses before serving, to see if there is a need to rinse them before serving the wines. It is best to wash the glasses before use, so that they are clean and free of fingerprints. This is best done with warm water and a towel made of linen (which does not leave any cloth residue).

Here you can also see what glasses are best for the various Fun Fuel wines: